We all know the silvers are coming in. But, how do you find them when it rains day after day after day? The rivers are high, the saltwater is off color from all the rivers, and it takes some real will-power to go out in this weather. DON'T DESPAIR! There are fish to be caught if you choose your spots and your days.

Starting with the saltwater: The area around DIPAC, Salmon Creek, and Lemon Creek has been more prone to getting mudded-out. Some large tides have helped flush the channel in this area and it has had its moments of productivity. A better bet is to fish farther up the channel towards the airport, by Bayview and out to Fish Creek estuary. This area has had better water visibilty and some good numbers of silvers cruising by. Try the lower end of the tide. Especially the middle of the flooding tide. This next week has very moderate tide swings which are ideal; not too much water flowing but enough to pull fish in. Plus, DIPAC has a new strain of coho returning this year and on average they are BIGGER! Check out this nearly 14lb buck from last week.



In the Freshwater: Creeks with smaller drainages or less gradient are fishing better than the big-boys. Cowee Creek, which has a large watershed, takes about 48 hours of little or no rain to come into good fishing shape. It has been very challenging to fish the past couple of weeks. Montana Creek on the other hand has been much more fishable. All it takes is a day of fairly dry weather and the creek drops nicely.

So keep your eye on the forecast, look for some of those Mostly Cloudy days, and get out there.

See you on the water. Brad